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30 novembre 2019

Violini da Chicago

Sabato 30 novembre 2019, ore 17
Fondazione Istituto Liszt
via Augusto Righi 30, Bologna

In collaborazione con l’Associazione MASK



H. Wieniawski (1835-1880)

Etude – Caprices op. 18

N. 1 Moderato
N. 2 Andante
Teng – Hauer Duo (Prof. Addison Teng e Paul Hauer)

J. S. Bach (1685-1750)

Partita n. 3 in Mi magg.
Kodai Speich, violino

J. Haydn (1732-1809)

Concerto in Sol magg.

Allegro moderato
Austen Wu, violino

J. S. Bach

Sonata n. 1 in La min.


J. Brahms (1833-1897)

Concerto in Re magg. op. 77

Maia Law, violino

W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)

Concerto n. 4 in Re magg.

Aria Messina, violino

F. Schubert (1797-1828)

Sonatina in La min. op. 137 n. 2 D385

Allegro moderato
Menuetto – Allegro
Teng – Hauer Duo

Scarica il programma

Giunto in Europa sabato 23 novembre 2019, il M° Addison C. Teng, docente di Violino alla DePaul University School of Music di Chicago, domenica 24 novembre si è esibito in un concerto a San Marino, con i suoi quattro enfants prodiges e con l’orchestra giovanile dell’Istituto Musicale Sammarinese diretta dal M° Massimiliano Messieri. Dopo aver tenuto una masterclass presso lo stesso Conservatorio di musica, il M° Teng, con il suo assistente Paul Hauer e con la sua classe di allievi “TengStudio”, è stato invitato dal Conservatorio di Musica “B. Maderna” di Cesena e dall’ISSM “P. Mascagni” di Livorno per una masterclass con esibizione finale.
Con il concerto presso la Fondazione Istituto Liszt si chiude il tour musicale italiano del Maestro e del suo “TengStudio”. Il programma prevede brani di stile diverso, provenienti da un ampio spazio temporale che consente di mettere in rilievo i talenti specifici degli allievi.
Informazioni su Prof. Addison Teng e sul suo “Teng Studio” su

Violinist Addison Teng has given extensive solo and chamber music performances throughout Taiwan, Hong Kong, Italy, France, Philippines, and the eastern United States. He has performed as soloist with the Oberlin College Orchestra, Eastman String Fellowship Orchestra, Sinfonia Academy Orchestra in the Philippines, and the University of Macedonia Symphony Orchestra. Upcoming performances with Symphony Irvine and Music Institute of Chicago Community Orchestra as well as recitals throughout the U.S. and abroad. Teng was chosen by the dean of the Oberlin Conservatory to appear on Italian television to promote Oberlin in Italy. He is the recipient of the 2018 Outstanding Young Alumni Award at Oberlin College and Conservatory, which recognizes young alumni who have distinguished themselves in their professional careers and their service to humanity. He has also been named a Distinguished Alumnus of the Meadowmount School of Music.
A rising pedagogue of his generation, Teng joined the violin and chamber music faculty of the Music Institute of Chicago in 2013, and the faculty of the Montecito International Music Festival in 2014. In 2018, he joined the faculty at DePaul University School of Music. Previously he served as teaching assistant at the Meadowmount School of Music and Northwestern University Bienen School of Music, assisting Sally Thomas, Amy Barlowe, and Roland and Almita Vamos. He has given masterclasses and coachings at the Taipei American School, Conservatório Villa-Lobos in Rio de Janeiro, Eastman Pre-College, and Lawrence University, as well as classes in Canada, the Philippines, and China. In the fall of 2016 and 2018, Teng embarked on a tour to Cebu, Philippines with his students, where he gave masterclasses and concerts. An upcoming studio tour of San Marino and Italy is planned for the fall of 2019.
His students have recently won competitions both locally and nationally, including Hellam Young Artists Competition, Denver Young Artists National Violin Competition, Indianapolis Matinee Musicale Competition, Walgreens National Competition, Indiana School of Music Concerto Competition, Confucius Music Festival Competition, Sejong Music Competition, and DePaul Concerto Competition, among others. Many of his students have been admitted to top universities and conservatories, including Indiana University, Northwestern University, Manhattan School of Music, New England Conservatory, Mannes New School of Music, Berklee College of Music, and University of Wisconsin – Madison, and have been awarded a Fulbright scholarship. His students have gone on to win jobs at Chicago Lyric Opera Orchestra, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, Grant Park Orchestra, Peninsula Music Festival, Evansville Philharmonic, and Louisville Philharmonic. Teng’s students have soloed with the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra, Springfield Symphony, and Montecito Festival Orchestra, and have been guest concertmaster of Fort Wayne Symphony. In 2015, the Addison C. Teng merit scholarship was established at the Music Institute of Chicago for his studio.
Teng graduated with a Master of Music in Violin Performance and String Pedagogy from Northwestern University Bienen School of Music and received his Bachelor of Music in Violin Performance from Oberlin Conservatory of Music. His principal teachers and mentors include Sally Thomas, Ann Setzer, Roland and Almita Vamos, Peter Takacs, Amy Barlowe, David Bowlin, and Karen Ritscher.


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