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How to support the Foundation

The Liszt Institute Foundation operates thanks to the commitment of various professionals. It aims to promote musicological research regarding Liszt and the musical performance of the Lisztian and Romantic repertoires. To support the Institute’s activity, a patrimony of property has been created in which the generous donations made by its founder Maria Rossana Dalmonte merge with other individual donations. In order for the Foundation to be able to conclude the numerous projects which are under way and to promote new ones, we are dependent on the generosity of all those who believe in the value of art for the development and the life of the individual.

The Foundation may be supported through donations, legacies, and by giving books.

Donations can be made to the following bank account:

Fondazione Istituto Liszt Onlus
via Augusto Righi n. 30,
40126 Bologna

Current Account Number (conto corrente n.) 104015.18 ABI 01030 CAB 02430 CIN V
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Ag. 8
IBAN: IT58V0103002430000010401518
C.F.: 91154490378

It is also possible to support the Foundation by choosing it as the recipient of the 5 in a thousand in your tax return. In order to do this, just follow these simple directions. In the different types of tax return (CUD 2012, model 730/2012 income 2011, and Single Model Physical People 2012), put your signature in the box “Support of voluntary work and other socially useful non profit associations and foundations, of associations promoting social progress and of recognised associations and foundations” and specify the Foundation’s tax code: 91154490378.
